Click Rotate Left to rotate the selection 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. Click Rotate Right to rotate the selection 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. Click Crop To to change the canvas size to equal the current selection. Click to set opacity to its maximum value. Click Flip Vertical to rotate the selection around a horizontal axis. Click Duplicate to make a copy of the selection. Enter a number or use the scroll bar to set a specific opaque value. Click to switch to anti-alias mode. In pixel mode smoothing does not occur. Click Flip Horizontal to rotate the selection around a vertical axis. Choose a Selection mode to change between the resize, rotate, distort, and perspective modes. Click Invert to reverse the colors of the selection. Choose a Combine mode to specify how the current selection interacts with the image. Click to set opacity to its minimum value. Click to switch to pixel mode. In anti-alias mode smoothing will occur. oval mode to select oval areas of a document. shrink-to-fit mode to eliminate ‘white’ space around an image. standard mode to select rectangular areas of a document. In a document window, click-and-drag to select a portion of the image. Use the Marquee in